Thursday, December 17, 2009

This one too, I love it!

I hope this post doesn't look weird cause if it does I am gonna be super pissed

So I love these videos, I love the first one, but the guest stars in the second one are GREAT!! See if you can
tell who they are, if not just let me know and I will tell you

Monday, December 7, 2009

Because I should be finishing my paper...

So Taylor and I went to visit Philip this weekend. We got lucky the weather was nice, it was cold, but sunny. I didn't take very many pictures, but I will put one on here. I am soooo not looking forward to all the work I have to do this week! Then finals, I just want it to be over!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So tonight Taylor took me to see John Cleese give a lecture comedy show. It was really interesting and funny. Then he took me to dinner, it was cute, it was like a date. So that is the most exciting thing to happen lately. I have just been up to school. I have a test Thursday and it is one of those like 100 question multiple choice tests that are like impossible to study for cause there is too much stuff and too many questions to know the important things. So I will go over the study guide tomorrow, but I think that is about it. I am working on another audio project and we are starting another photography project. I will get in to detail about those later.

Any way, my first two project for photography were fun. The first was the rephoto project, you had to take an old photo and go back to the place it was taken and retake it. Then put them together in some way. And the second was to take 100 pictures a day for 6 days (we did it over like two weeks, so it wasn't super crazy) and then you pick 20 and you got in groups and they picked their favorite. Then you took their favorite and your favorite and then the class voted, then you picked on final one. So here they are!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

And one more thing

The Backstreet Boys are fucking awesome!

What I have been doing lately...

I will get the boring stuff over with quickly. School, I am working on a paper, an audio project (ADR for Lilo and Stitch), and a photography project that is on going. Those are just the big things, I didn't have many midterms, more papers/projects. Anyway, on to the good stuff.

I got Taylor to agree to go to New Moon with me, not at midnight, but maybe the next day. He doesn't know that :). I am excited because I have no one to go with here anymore and he hates the whole go to a movie the day it comes out thing, he doesn't get it. And he hates Twilight and all that, little does he know that real men suck it up and pretend to like it. I said he can't complain about going either, and I get popcorn and soda and candy, the whole sha-bang! I think I may be a Jacob fan after this movie, I reread the books and I am leaning that way too.

ANYWAY, to regain my coolness...

I am a total gleek! I love the show! Taylor's description of it is "you would like this show. It's like your dream show. It's a musical, but it's a TV show and it uses like popular songs and... you would." Yeah I love it, if you haven't seen it, you should! AHHHH I am soo excited. Hulu that shit! It can be a little too stereotyped high school drama sometimes, but I still love it.

What else is there. Ummm, Toni is getting married, but seeing as she is the only one who reads this I don't need to say that. Taylor reads it sometimes, but he is just going to call me a nerd if he sees this.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This awesome:

(858): Straightened my pubes. My dick looks like John Lennon fucked Gonzo.

So anyway. Taylor is gone for two weeks and I have nothing to do. Philip is coming this weekend and that is all I have to do other than school. That is it for now.

Monday, September 21, 2009


(614): Prostitute standing on the corner thrusting at cars as they drive by. New marketing strategy?

(818): I woke up this morning and the first thing i saw was the harry potter tattoo on his left butt cheek.

(913): No, drunk sperm still make babies.

(678): He wanted a quickie. I said, can I play doodle jump on my iPhone during? And that's exactly how it went.

Ok I have to go to class now, but I will be back.

Friday, August 28, 2009

These made me laugh

(845): I'm at a Rock of Love themed party. New high? New low? I can't tell.
(845): Wait. Scratch that. It's not themed. These girls are just sluts.

(978): Not hooking up w him- he has one of those L.L. Bean book bags w his initials on it

(512): boyfriend complimented me on my new prada shoes today. he is officially either gay or the man im gonna marry. knowing my luck it's all of the above.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Info Center update

None, they haven't called me. I am not really what that means at this point, but I think I am gonna call them tomorrow. Yeah that's it. I am on Taylor's computer so I am without pictures for you. He has work til midnight and I am bored, really bored. The next hour needs to speed up. I have no class tomorrow. Bleeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh he has work tomorrow from 10 to 6 so I have to find a way to entertain myself, maybe I will clean. I am just blabbering now lol. I am done I guess.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School so far....

So my classes are good, a lot of work, but they are going to be interesting. I have one more that I have to go to, which I am the least bit interested in going to. I am just not that interested in the topic of the class (foundations of media), but it's required. I had my 8 o'clock class today and I was worn out by like 1 lol. I didn't get much sleep though, I was anxious about my interview. Which went ok, I don't know if I will get the job or not, but at least I have had a little more practice now. I think I did good for being me, but I can't guess what they thought. They were VERY nice though, they tried to make it as calm and non pressured as possible. But I think it was just a little funny cause at one point they got like dead serious and started asking me about what I thought the information center does and so I answered to the best of my abilities, and the director (I guess that's what you would call her) was like well we do more than that, do you know what it is??? And so I gave it another try and she was like have you ever come to the information center for an envelope and a stamp?? Cause we do that. Then later she was giving me a scenario that I had to work through and she says "someone comes in and would like to have something faxed, we do that at the information center, and they are getting annoyed because...." It was kind of funny to me cause she kept saying things that were like really out there like stamps? Really?

Anyway, yeah that was my day. Now here's a treat!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's been a LONG time!

But I have the sudden urge to write about everything that is happening.

Here's the things that need no explanation:
  1. I start school Monday.
  2. Taylor just burned himself with hot water because he "forgot it was hot."
  3. I am excited to start school.
  4. I officially live with Taylor now (Ahh!)
  5. I have become a Sims addict, I play for hours at a time and cannot sleep anymore.
I am taking 18 units and I hope to get a job at the info center on campus, my interview is on Tuesday! I hope I don't get too nervous. My classes are Intro: Digital Audio in Media, Foundation of Electronic Media, Technology and Communication (really not looking forward to this one), Basic Advertising Copywriting, Inter. Photo & Digital Imaging (yay pictures!), GLBTQ Issues and Identities.

Anyway, I had a good summer. It was really fun. When I wasn't in New
Zealand and Australia, I was at home in San Jose or in "Stupid ass-wood" as I like to call it. Taylor refers to it as "B-wood" I am not sure which one really does it justice. We went camping in Lassen and Taylor's car over heated and we had to have it towed back to Chico (110 miles), thankfully I had 100 miles for AAA. It was a fun trip, minus the bugs (yellow jackets).

New Zealand and Australia was amazing! I loved the South Island! The best way to describe it to you is with my pictures and they can't even get how amazing it was across. Here's a few, but I plan on posting at least three times a week, with a few pictures attached.

I would be a sheep here

Lol, it was also making deer sounds

Poor sheep

Sheeeeep herding

My Grandma and I

LOTR filmed here!

Someone's front yard

Maori's are amazing




Sunday, March 29, 2009

I HATE people. I HATE immature people. I HATE immature people who are assholes. So Stephen asks if he can have a bbq and I said yes.  Later that day, I get an invite on facebook to "Dave's b-day BBQ" at the Tran-man's. So from 1 pm to 10 pm there were constantly people at my apartment. When you hear bbq what do you think of? A few people, for a few hours? Now when you hear birthday BBQ what do you think of?

That's what I thought. Before I found out about the B-day bash, I had invited Rachel over to watch her favorite tv show together, it starts at nine. We didn't get to watch it. After everyone left we ordered pizza, then took Rachel home and went to bed. On Saturday night I wrote a reminder to my roommates, Andrew don't forget the dishes that you said you would do a week ago and Stephen please clean!

I came home today to a nice reply from Stephen, "I'm sorry it takes me a while to clean, my friend was here, blah blah blah, you could have picked up your pizza boxes, bullshit bullshit bullshit." So now I am mad. I plan on reminding him that he could have left my pizza boxes for me and then he wouldn't have to bitch about having to throw them away. And I am going to remind him about the last time I cleaned the living room, kitchen, and dining room it was almost all his stuff. And I didn't say a word to him about how I cleaned all his stuff. Aren't we mature enough to handle a reminder without being assholes?


Monday, March 9, 2009

Project Number 2

"Same person, Same place" It's pretty self explanatory, you use the same person and the same place, but you have to have some technical difference. Light, motion, angle, perspective, ect. I should get my grade tomorrow, I hope I did well. I got a 96 on my last project!

Here they are:

Monday, February 16, 2009

For my photo class...

Our first project was "Looking close and the formal elements." We had to be within arms length of our subject. We had to emphasize one or more visual element (pattern, shape, lights, lines, ect.) and it had to be black and white. It had to be kind of abstract, so guess what my subject is.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I haven't photoshopped them, so some of them need work, but here are a few of my favorite pictures from when Taylor and I went South. Of course his are better, but I'm still learning :).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So I'm watching American Idol. That means you know the year will be good.
And Taylor and I are going to San Luis Obispo this weekend cause it's a three day weekend (wooo!!). To see his friends. And we are taking highway 1 and I am trying to convince Taylor to stay in hotel for a night. There are some nice places, but most are in the 800-1,000 range. :( I found one that is like 200 ish. It's not as nice, but it has a nice view. Which is the important part. BUT they have some REALLY cool rooms.  Click on cool for example one and here for two. Check out the pacific room.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


So I have recently discovered something new about myself. Fancy, I know. See over break (the like 2 weeks I was home) I went to the Aquarium with my Uncle and Grandma. They had penguins and that's when I fell in love. They are sooooo goofy. Have you ever seen penguins? 

Anyway, so penguins are now my favorite animal. And I'm watching Planet Earth, it's the episode about "Ice Worlds," basically Antarctica. And they are talking about PENGUINS!!!!! And how they breed, March of the Penguins status. They are Emperor Penguins, but I like them all. 

And the chippendales are going to be performing at a casino near here. I was thinking about taking Rachel just to see her response.