Friday, August 28, 2009

These made me laugh

(845): I'm at a Rock of Love themed party. New high? New low? I can't tell.
(845): Wait. Scratch that. It's not themed. These girls are just sluts.

(978): Not hooking up w him- he has one of those L.L. Bean book bags w his initials on it

(512): boyfriend complimented me on my new prada shoes today. he is officially either gay or the man im gonna marry. knowing my luck it's all of the above.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Info Center update

None, they haven't called me. I am not really what that means at this point, but I think I am gonna call them tomorrow. Yeah that's it. I am on Taylor's computer so I am without pictures for you. He has work til midnight and I am bored, really bored. The next hour needs to speed up. I have no class tomorrow. Bleeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh he has work tomorrow from 10 to 6 so I have to find a way to entertain myself, maybe I will clean. I am just blabbering now lol. I am done I guess.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School so far....

So my classes are good, a lot of work, but they are going to be interesting. I have one more that I have to go to, which I am the least bit interested in going to. I am just not that interested in the topic of the class (foundations of media), but it's required. I had my 8 o'clock class today and I was worn out by like 1 lol. I didn't get much sleep though, I was anxious about my interview. Which went ok, I don't know if I will get the job or not, but at least I have had a little more practice now. I think I did good for being me, but I can't guess what they thought. They were VERY nice though, they tried to make it as calm and non pressured as possible. But I think it was just a little funny cause at one point they got like dead serious and started asking me about what I thought the information center does and so I answered to the best of my abilities, and the director (I guess that's what you would call her) was like well we do more than that, do you know what it is??? And so I gave it another try and she was like have you ever come to the information center for an envelope and a stamp?? Cause we do that. Then later she was giving me a scenario that I had to work through and she says "someone comes in and would like to have something faxed, we do that at the information center, and they are getting annoyed because...." It was kind of funny to me cause she kept saying things that were like really out there like stamps? Really?

Anyway, yeah that was my day. Now here's a treat!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's been a LONG time!

But I have the sudden urge to write about everything that is happening.

Here's the things that need no explanation:
  1. I start school Monday.
  2. Taylor just burned himself with hot water because he "forgot it was hot."
  3. I am excited to start school.
  4. I officially live with Taylor now (Ahh!)
  5. I have become a Sims addict, I play for hours at a time and cannot sleep anymore.
I am taking 18 units and I hope to get a job at the info center on campus, my interview is on Tuesday! I hope I don't get too nervous. My classes are Intro: Digital Audio in Media, Foundation of Electronic Media, Technology and Communication (really not looking forward to this one), Basic Advertising Copywriting, Inter. Photo & Digital Imaging (yay pictures!), GLBTQ Issues and Identities.

Anyway, I had a good summer. It was really fun. When I wasn't in New
Zealand and Australia, I was at home in San Jose or in "Stupid ass-wood" as I like to call it. Taylor refers to it as "B-wood" I am not sure which one really does it justice. We went camping in Lassen and Taylor's car over heated and we had to have it towed back to Chico (110 miles), thankfully I had 100 miles for AAA. It was a fun trip, minus the bugs (yellow jackets).

New Zealand and Australia was amazing! I loved the South Island! The best way to describe it to you is with my pictures and they can't even get how amazing it was across. Here's a few, but I plan on posting at least three times a week, with a few pictures attached.

I would be a sheep here

Lol, it was also making deer sounds

Poor sheep

Sheeeeep herding

My Grandma and I

LOTR filmed here!

Someone's front yard

Maori's are amazing


